Saturday, 26 July 2014

Well, is it too soon, but I recently noticed that my mega Pidgeot is one of the first Images that pops up when you search "Mega Pidgeot" on Google Images. That's an honour, but not an achievement. So, I'll Redo the original mega's that I posted and publish them again.

Reactivity series

Hey guys, so what, it's been about 4-5 months since the last post? Sorry, I know how it feels to not have a post for a looooong time. But, I'm back up with fresh news.

First up, I've made a new site, so, I might be updating a bit slower on this one.
Anyways, here's a link to the new site  :

My new site

And secondly I have devised an excellent mnemonic for the reactivity series ! Yay !

So, here it is:-
LiKe   = Lithium , Potassium (K)
Barry  = Barium
Never  = Sodium ( Na )
Called  = Calcium
Me      = Magnesium
A         = Aluminium
Zebra   = Zinc

These were the elements more reactive than iron. Now, here comes Iron and the elements less reactive than it:

I           = Iron
Never   = Nickel
Tried to = Tin
Lead     = Lead
Her       = Hydrogen
Clever   = Copper
Martian = Mercury
Smart    = Silver
Goat,     = Gold
Peggy    = Platinum

That's all for today, folks. Let's meet another time

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Hey Guys!
Just woke up today after months of deep sleep. And the thing that awakened me? Well, in fact it is Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire ! In my language it means, "Let the mega's continue!" So, the next mega Pokemon in line are - Well, you guessed them - Swampert, Blaziken Z , and Mega sceptile!
 Stay tuned!

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Click the image to evolve mudkip

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Hey guys! I am meeting ya all after a long time, and ooh yeah, i'm codin' a new game. So look out for it in the near future!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

Charizard bros

Charizard People
Hey people! recently, I received a notification on google+ that my friend added me in his circles.Only then did I notice that we both had fusions of charizard and a rock type pokemon as our profile pictures.Cool,is it not?